The U.S. Department of Crochet is seeking Ambassadors from all over the World to Represent their Countries in Diplomatic Relations with this Department. Should you wish to be considered for such a position, you must submit a coupla things:
Your Crochet Name – as in I’m the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Crochet, so you can be a Secretary, Undersecretary, Minister, or Knot of _____ from your country, state, or region;
Your idea for a Slogan to represent our Worldwide Mission;
Your idea (or the actual royalty-free art) for the official Logo for the U.S. Department of Crochet.
We’ll keep these International Options open until August 10, 2011. Shortly thereafter, the Official Roster of Representatives will be presented to the World of Crochet. There is no limit to the number of Official Representatives we can have. In fact, the more we have, the more likely is the U.S. Department of Crochet to accomplish its National and Worldwide Mission of Furthering the ART OF CROCHET.
My slogan would be “Hooking us all together”. My position-Secretary of Stash Collections.
I like your “Hearts around the Globe” but give that birdie crochet hooks for feet!
My slogan would be “A United State of Knotty Ladies and Gents”
I would choose to be Secretary of “In” Stitches.
As a logo, A crochet hook circling the earth at the equator (meeting hook to non-working end of a crochet hook)
I’d like to be Secretary of Crochet Education. The slogan for my department would be “Teach a child to create and an artist is born”.
I like the logo you have….perhaps adding crossed crochet hooks behind it.
My slogan for the worldwide mission: “Let’s teach everyone to crochet one single crochet at a time”
I would choose to be Secretary of Yarn Brands.
I too like the logo with the bird over the globe and i like the idea Wanda had about making the birds feet into crochet hooks!
A slogan? How about ‘Hookers Unite’ LoL. I would have to be in the Teaching and Terminology Dept, since I am fluent in crochet language and arts, and have the imagination to go with it LOL, hugs, Mary
I love your slogan! It’s perfect. You’ve got the job!
I am new to the crochet world by about a year or so… and very much the enthusiastic beginner. I followed a link to this page because I thought how exciting it would be to see something like this take off… (until I noticed the dates of the responses)
AND… much to my chagrin, I found that just like so many things on the internet, this is an idea that had much merit, huge potential, an initial burst and then…
DIED!!! What a shame…
Yes, the idea died a natural death. However, if you’d like to take the idea and run with it, you have my blessings. Just keep us posted.