Do you like old crochet and craft books? I do! I have a house full of them. When I find them at a garage sale or thrift store, I grab them and buy the whole lot. When I get home, I discover duplicates. So, this week, I’m offering a DOZEN of my authentically elderly books for the April Giveaway.
First is this little Coats and Clark book from 1967. It’s mostly knit, but has several crochet patterns, including some lovely afghan stitch mittens. The other 11 books are old copies of Workbasket Magazine. These are not in mint condition – NOT. But, they are intact and full of amazing patterns, recipes, gardening tips, etc. If you’re not familiar with Workbasket, you’ve been missing out!
Here are the rules:
Each item will be mailed to the winner by USPS – books by media mail. For now, this contest will only be open to participants with a U.S. mailing address.
This is how it will work. Each Monday, I’ll pose a question on my blog. Everyone who answers the questions will be entered in the drawing on the last day of that month. Some ‘answers’ may require you to post a link to a specific pattern or site. The winner will be announced along with the next Monday’s question. The winner will have 48 hours to contact me with mailing information. If the winner doesn’t contact me, the prize will be offered on another occasion.
TO MAKE IT CRYSTAL CLEAR, THE WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON THE DAY OF EACH MONTH (OR SHORTLY THEREAFTER) AND THE WINNER MUST EMAIL ME ([email protected]) WITHIN 48 HOURS OF THE ANNOUNCEMENT. So, for sanity’s sake, that deadline will really mean that I need to hear from you no later than 8 PM the following Monday (so you have plenty of time to email me and I’ll get the email for sure even if I don’t sign on to my email on a Sunday).
Simply enter to win by leaving a comment on this post answering the question posed.
(Ooh, vintage crochet!)
I’m planning to crochet a few doilies this spring. I’m almost finished with my first one ever, and I’m already excited to try another. (I know some people think doilies are old-fashioned– but that’s actually part of the reason I like them!) I think they’ll be great warm-weather projects, since they’re so small and lightweight.
I am going to crochet some flowers, and maybe a top for myself. 🙂
I am very excited to be crocheting bamboo, linen and rafia hats for this Spring/Summer 2010. Switching over to light weight, unique fiber yarns so we can keep out UV rays and stay cool!!! I just made pink bamboo aviator cap – unique and beautiful.
Ideally.. a jellyfish with pink blue and purple for my daughter. Maybe a matching set of rabbits, one for her, and one for my son. I’d also really like to make some bibs for a friends upcoming baby to be. I haven’t quite found something to make for myself though, unfortunately, lol. 🙂
There’s a bundle of joy coming in June. I’m planning on crocheting a onesie & booties, of course both in cotton yarn!
I am making a shawl called magnificent mantle by Crochet kitten for Spring 2010.
It’s a a very fun pattern and looks great!
I’ve found some great patterns for crocheted swimsuits and am hoping that if I start in Spring then I’ll have one ready for summer. It requires a little bit of sewing (lining) though and I’m not too good with that yet so we’ll just have to see.
I’m crocheting socks! I made some heavier, furry socks for winter and now I want to branch out into lighter, spring socks.
I also am crocheting a doormat out of hemp string (like you might use for macrame) and acrylic yarn in rainbow colors. It’s not specifically for spring, but it’s spring and I’m making it for now, so I think it counts.
I am making a scarf for a new friend of mine. She just celebrated her 86th birthday and is a lovely lady. I am also double crocheting all my odd ends of yarn into a multiple color afghan to be given to displaced families at an Indian reservation in Tucson, AZ.
I found a really cute crochet baby cap pattern which was easy and looked great, and I’m hoping to make a few more to send to babies in need:
I have a feeling my entire spring and most of my summer will be spent crocheting a Christmas present for my brother 🙂 It’s a huge picture afghan with a golf theme – I am SO excited!
I’m going to crochet a bird’s nest that’ll hold some old mercury glass eggs I have. After that, it’ll be time to start working on a blanket for my first grandchild.
I’m finishing up a couple of baby blankets. After that, I’m planning to make 2 cute crochet dresses for the youngest 2 baby grands.
I plan to make a little “pocket purse” for my 13-yo granddaughter. And I want to make a doily. Of course more dishcloths. LOL! And whatever else catches my eyes. Plus, my dgd asked me to make her an afghan. It will be my first ripple pattern, and I am looking forward to that.
Right now I’m crocheting a broomstick lace scarf without a pattern. I can’ decide whether to sell it, keep it, or give it away.
I’m crocheting a broomstick lace scarf. I can’t decide whether to sell it, keep it, or gift it.
I want to try crocheting recycled strips of the ubiquitous thin plastic grocery/shopping bags into a sturdy reusable bag.
I’m planning on crocheting kitchen items – mainly trivets and washcloths.
I am crocheting some spring flowers to add to shawls and hats.
I am finishing up a baby outfit, dress, bloomers and hat for my first great-grandchild due in July, and I am also starting a lavender coat for her. Yes, we know it is a girl. Can’t wait, first great-grandchild from first grandchild’s wife.
I am going to make a shawl to wear in stores and restaurants and church. I am also going to make a light weight blanket to use while watching TV.
I’m working on my monsterous afghan project for my grandparents 50th anniversary, hopefully I’ll be done in time- only three more months.
I want to crochet myself a shell top and skirt to match using a lightweight boucle yarn. I also am in the process of teaching myself to do fine crochet as I want to make edgings for pillowcases, towels, sheets, etc. and some crochet motifs and flowers for embellishments on crazy quilt blocks and other projects I am working on at this time.
Hi, this is not an entry for the contest but I am looking for knitting clothing pieces that were popular during the mid 1960’s and early 1970’s particularly for skirt, long/short sleeved tops, cardigans and dresses using lightweight boucle yarn…I knitted quite a few clothing pieces but am unable to find the pattern books…If you happen to run across a magazine/patterns/pattern book that is from the time period and has patterns for clothing, please let me know. I have turned my house upside down trying to find the patterns but so far have had no luck. I would appreciate it very much. Thanks, Marilynne
I plan on finishing a hooded sweater I started for my daughter.
OH MY! I just got 3 large show boxes of old Workbaskets that were my grandmother’s (she past this last Sept)! I love those books. About 5 years ago I bid, and won, an E-Bay auction of a large box of them too. I still haven’t gotten through them all because I keep crocheting coasters & doilies from them! LOL
I will be crocheting baby hats to be donated to military hospitals. The hats are for the newborns of military personnel who are deployed, about to be deployed or just returning.
Iam crocheting the edging on a pinwheel baby blanket I loomed knit.
I’ll be finishing up a half length sleeve sweater… I’ve had to restart it 4 times.
hi marilynne,
have you visited the knitting blog on craftgossip to ask about the knitting patterns? terrye kinch is the editor there and might offer more help than any of the crocheters – altho’ many people both knit and crochet. good luck with your search!
lovely things and stuff, i can remrmber the magazine from years ago, my mother and my aunts used this book alot. it would be nice to have one in my own hands. thank you…
i’m kniting and crocheting infant hats for a local hospital. love to have one those books, they bring back alot of memories. thank you…
At times I test patterns, and am now using one of the patterns to crochet a stole for my daughter. Haven’t decided if she will get it for her birthday or Christmas.