Do you hate weaving in all those tails that are left dangling when you make squares, strips, and panels? I used to too. But, no more. At some point, I came to peace with the pieces and the tails they produce. I used to hate having to weave in all those dratted tails. Now, I enjoy hiding them within stitches and rows of my crochet.
What changed? I think I began to see the weaving in process as the ‘nearing completion’ stage of my work. I could really see the project take shape as I stopped long enough to weave in loose ends as I changed colors or joined squares. A certain serenity comes over me as I thread the large needle and begin to turn the work this way and that to see the best route for the needle and tail.
So, maybe we all just need an attitude adjustment when it comes to those loose ends. Maybe we can begin to view the loose ends as milestones in the creative process rather than stumbling blocks to completion of projects. I’ve actually heard of people who finished many projects to the point of weaving in the ends – then just abandoned the projects because of the hated weaving in process.
It’s a shame to be so near to the finish line – but refuse to cross it. So, we DO need that attitude adjustment. We need to view those dangling bits of yarn and thread as evidence of our accomplishment rather than as a hindrance.
This particular project is only about 1/4 done. It’s going to be a lapghan for ME! Pink is my favorite color. When I saw this yarn at my LYS, although there were only 8 skeins of this chunky stuff, I just had to have it!! About the hook….it’s a size L and it’s a wonderful hook I bought from a hook maker on the internet. Sadly, I cannot recommend the hook maker despite the fact that this is a great hook and I bought a set of them – and they’re custom made to my specifications. So, please don’t ask.
Stef says
Ack that picture is hayUGE! ROFL!
Olga Westmoreland says
Weaving in ends has never been a chore for me, crochet so many rows then weave ends in.
When afghan is done only have a few ends to weave. No problem, it is attitude as you mention.
Joyce says
Ahhhhh, I sympathize completely! I recently had my own experience with ends in what I now call my “endless ends afghan” and I wrote about it in my blog. I understand the philosophy you’re advocating about the finishing of a project and ends ….. but I’m still recovering! đŸ™‚
Ruby says
I also used to hate those tails! I did not like weaving in ends at all, and didn’t like to make things that were in blocks or pieces
that had to be put together.Now after a lot of years of crocheting I really appreciate the way my projects turn out when I take the extra time to weave in all those little ends.
I recently made a baby afghan for my newest grandson, who was born in June. It was one of those you have to crochet a hundred and something blocks(they were diamonds instead though), and then you have to sew them all together.I thought it was going to take forever to finish, and got callouses on mt thumb and finger from sewing!It turned out really nice and I was very proud when I got it done! Perhaps also it is something that comes with age.
Sorry for rambling!Love your Blog
God Bless
Lynn says
At peace with the pieces. That’s good.
Wow, that pink afghan seems like it’s very pretty. Can you share the link to the pattern? TIA Lynn