For many of us who surf the web in search of crochet blogs and patterns, we find that many of the most wonderful sites are in languages other than our own (English for me). Even if we know someone who reads this other language, crochet lingo falls into the ‘technical’ category and the words don’t translate well. After all, what does a ‘treble crochet’ mean to you if you don’t know how to crochet? Pretty hard to translate that even into one’s own language!
I found a site that has a wonderful translation tool for us to use – and it’s free!
The site has a chart that names the stitch or tool in SIX languages! The one it doesn’t have that I WANT it to have is Portugese. The other really helpful language would be Russian. Maybe some of our readers who know the crochet terms in these languages will enlighten us.
This site is the main sponsor of this book – which I own but didn’t buy from them. Don’t recall where I got it.
In fact, if anyone sends me a list of those terms in Portugese and Russian, I’ll post them here so they are permanently available for everyone’s easy reference.
Thanks for tell us about this site!
I can’t speak Russian but I speak Portuguese!
I send to you my translation proposal; maybe other Portuguese readers can contribute also!
crochet hook crochet hook agulha de crochet
chain chain corrente
stitch stitch ponto
slip stitch single crochet
single crochet double crochet Ponto baixo
double crochet treble crochet Ponto alto
triple crochet double-treblecrochet Ponto alto duplo
loop loop laçada
yarn over yarn over
skip skip saltar
repeat from * repeat from * Repetir desde *
Note – I am not exactly sure of what is the ‘slip stitch’ and ‘yarn over’ so, I didn’t made a translation.
That’s the first crochet book I ever bought! I saw it at a used book store and had to have it. I didn’t even really know how to crochet then. I think I was in high school. Thanks for the heads-up about the Web site 🙂
I tried the website link you have posted here and I got a 404 error. Then I tried just and still got the error.
this link works for me:
Look forward to having Portugese crochet translations. That would be SOOO helpful!
You can translate an entire website, as well as words and phrases, through Babelfish.
Just paste the website address into the website translation area, select the language of the site, and the language you want it translated into. Note: The Russian word for “doily” translates as “Napkin”.
Most foreign crochet patterns are presented in image form known as:
* Chart Crochet
* Diagram Crochet
* Symbol Crochet
* Blueprint Crochet
* International Symbol/Diagram Crochet
Anyone know where I can find Portuguese to English (US) translations? Tried Google, but I need the literal equivalent.
There are plenty of Portugese bloggers online who might be able be able to help. Tania has a great blog. You might find help if you email her.
i found one translation online for the portugueses terms. i hope this works!! i still need the symbol chart translated.
thanks shirley
Crochet Terms in Portuguese by Beatriz Medina
correntinha – corr – chain stitch – ch
Ponto baixíssimo – pbs or pbxmo – slip stitch – sl st
Ponto baixo – pb – single crochet – sc
Ponto caranquejo – reverse single crochet – Reverse sc
Meio ponto alto – mpa – half double crochet – hdc
Ponto alto – pa – double crochet – dc
Ponto alto duplo – pad – treble crochet – tr
Ponto alto triplo – pat – double treble crochet – dtr
Ponto alto quadruplo – paq – triple treble crochet – tr tr
Ponto alto em relevo (pa pegando pela frente) – front post double
crochet – FPdc
Ponto alto em relevo (pa pegando por trás) – back post double crochet – BPdc
2 ponto alto cruzados – X-Stitch – X-Stitch
picô de 3 corr – 3-chain picot – 3-ch picot
2 pontos baixos juntos / diminuição de dois pb / dim – 2-single crochet
cluster/decrease – 2-sc dec
3 pontos baixos juntos – 3-single crochet cluster/decrease – 3-sc dec
2 pontos baixos no mesmo ponto / aumento / aum – 2-single crochet
increase – 2-sc inc
3 pontos baixos no mesmo ponto – 3-single crochet increase – 3-sc inc
3 pontos altos juntos / diminuição / dim – 3-double crochet
cluster/decrease – 3-dc dec
3 pontos altos no mesmo ponto / aum 2 pa – 3-double crochet increase -3-dc inc
Grupo de 3 pontos altos – 3-double crochet puff – 3-dc puff
Ponto pipoca – grupo de 5 pontos altos – borboto – 5-double crochet
popcorn – 5-dc pop
Laçada – YO
enfiar a agulha /inserir a agulha – insert hook
agulha / agulha de crochê – crochet hook
Arrematar – fasten off
virar / virar o trabalho – turn / turn the work
fazer – make
This could be quite useful! Thanks for posting it.
This is FANTASTIC info. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you! I am baffled by some words in patterns like coca.CT and Cxema I think they are Russian but can’t find them! Thanks again for the portugeseit will be helpful. Shirley
what about Turkish? There are so many beautiful patterns from there!
I’ve some of the links that other’s posted in the comments and am not having any luck at all. I am stuck on what dial 4 VP stands for from a Russian crocheted pattern that has been translated and all. Can someone please help me out.