This Spring themed Crochet wreath is perfect for Easter time. The wreath is made up of little Crochet projects and all the patterns are available over at The little treasures. To make this lovely wreath you will need an embroidery hoop, a collection of flowers and leaves, yarn to cover the hoop (you can use ribbon – it’s much easier), a sewing needle and thread.
Looking for more Easter themed Crochet patterns? Check out some of our favorite places for Crochet patterns. Etsy. has lots of new patterns and the perfect place to find Crochet patterns that are trending or seasonal. We also love Anniescatalog for buying individual patterns and a great place to source vintage styled designs and last but not least, Leisure Arts for more traditional styled patterns and books.
Thank you for featuring this lovely wreath Shellie! It will add special charm to Easter!
This is a beautiful way to showcase the fancy flowers that I love to crochet! Thank you so much for a great idea! Great for First day of Spring, Easter, May Day… fabulous.