This chair pouch that is today’s Free Pattern at is extremely easy to reproduce in crochet. You can make it one-sided or two sided. Be sure to use sturdy buttons sewn on with the same yarn as you make the pouch from. Using smaller thread will often cut through yarn.
Usually, there is no need to even line the pouch if you make it with single crochets. Just DC the part that fits over the rail where you would affix the buttons and pick buttons the right size to use the DC as your button hole. Of course, you can make a button hole, but the DC’s work just fine. Be sure to use at least 3 buttons or the pouch will sag.
Make a rectangle of single crochet the right size to fit over a magazine like you would a piece of wrapping paper, leaving one end longer with the DC to create the flap and button holes. Sew up the edges to create the pouch, sew on the buttons, and put the pouch on the walker, chair rail or wherever you need it.
Dang it! I missed this one! I really would like to have this pattern. Anyone know where I can find it???
I missed it too. Could someone also send it to me as well. i’d really love it.
Tasmania, Australia
Annie’s Attic no longer offers the daily free patterns, but you might find this at the archive here:
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