Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? I don’t. I figure that if I’m really interested in making a change in my life, I need not wait for January 1 to make that change. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with making resolutions. In fact, it might be a good thing. Today, on NPR, I heard a ‘specialist’ speak on New Year’s Resolutions. He had some good things to say, but the most valuable information came from a caller. The woman stated that she had the most luck with change in her life by stating things in a positive manner – ‘I’m a non-smoker’ – was her solution. She had attempted to quit smoking many times and only when she began to see herself as a nonsmoker, to identify herself in a positive manner rather than feeling like she was depriving herself of something, she was able to affect change in her life.
What a great idea! So, I decided that I’d make some resolutions for a change. So, now I see myself – or will attempt to see myself – as:
an organized crocheter
a crocheter who finishes a project before she starts another
a crocheter who sticks to her yarn/pattern buying budget.
Well, I think there’s probably not much hope for the first two – but I’m going to give it a try.
What are your Crochet Resolutions for 2008? Come on – SHARE. Post them so we can all see. After all, it’s well known that once you write something down, you’re more likely to follow through with it.
So, let’s see what ideas everyone has……
My crochet resolutions are to finish as many of my WIP’s as I possibly can and if I dont feel like finishing them, frog them and reuse the yarn. I have too many projects going. My problem is I lose interest quickly. So here’s to my cleaning out my WIP bin and everyone getting all the things I said I was going to make them but never finished 🙂
Happy New Year!
Henceforth I shall be deemed StashKiller! I haven’t been crocheting a lot but I’m still buying yarn! I shall either use what I have or get rid of some.
First resolution: is to say the nice things to people that I think…so-I love this site. I have it in my favorites and check it every day. I love the interesting and varied topics. Thank you so much. I appreciate your effort.
Crochet resolution: or should I say promise to myself. I will try to make at least one new, different thing every six weeks. We sell one week out of every six, and the rest of the time I am making the same things over and over. I will also try to add one new crocheted item to my repertoire each time.
Last resolution: Before I throw something away, stop and think what I might be able to use an item for. Too easy to toss what you get disgusted with.
hey kris –
what a great name – stashkiller!! i love it.
good for you,
Since I have been crocheting for almost a year….these are my first crochet resolutions.
Try to use up stash yarn. Maybe difficult since I have so many sized and colored balls left.
Only buy yarn for a project I plan to do. Unnecessary yarn buying because it is on sale or free shipping after $45. Of course this does not apply to my Christmas $$ that I plan on buying random yarns on sale online….
I need to not be so afraid of making a wearable. I need to be challenged more and need to try to understand patterns more and construction of a sweater.
Need a well written explanation on how to sew squares together.
Find a basic class on sewing…it would help my crochet skills.
Do some sort of charity crocheting this year.
what a great idea, thinking of yourself in positive scenarios as an alternative to the dreaded “resolutions!” 🙂
in that light, i will add that “I see myself:”
-finishing the stoles for xmas 2006!
-making the Seraphina Shawl i bought all the yummy yarn for last summer!
-as a confident (not hesitant!) crocheter!!
organization and budget aren’t my friends, but i think we might actually be able to negotiate a peace this year, if i just keep my chin up and pretend i am not ocd/add, LOL!! (i really am, and it makes having a crochet hobby very interesting ;))
HAPPY NEW YEAR, JD, and everybody!!
YOU are all filled with great ideas for 2008 and with very KIND words for my blog. THANK YOU! It makes my day to hear that my blog and my ideas are enjoyed and appreciated.
Christi has some great ideas for stating things positively. Glad to hear those.
Glenda, for a relatively new crocheter is certainly headed in the right direction – learning more and taking care of what you already have around you.
With crafting especially, recycling (re-using and re-purposing) is dear to my heart. I’m always saving buttons, scraps of fabric, bits of yarn, etc for my crafting. As I’ve written earlier, just the right button can MAKE a design – but I hate to spend $4 on the button when I can find one in my stash of buttons I’ve cut off worn garments or from bags of buttons I’ve purchased at thrift stores or garage sales. Same goes for yarn. I have a lot of ‘new’ yarn and a huge amount that I’ve rescued from thrift stores and other sales.
I’m grateful and encouraged by the resolutions of others. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!
My resolution is to crochet more and surf less!!! No more spending 3 and 4 hours a day on the computer!!!! I’m also going to concentrate on using my stash. Stash killer!!!! That’s awesome, Kris!!!!
YOU GO LEAH! use up that stash and stay off the computer! i need to do the same thing!!
My new year resolution is on the lines of most of you..
i need to complete my crochet projects..i have doilies in all stages of completion ..some needing as little as half a round to get them done.
resolution number one -I want to complete all my crochet projects and work on only two at one time (one in thread and one brain-dead pattern in yarn)
resolution number two – devote atleast half and hour to one hour every day for working on my non-crochet UFO’s
resolution number three – bite the bullet and start un-subbing from groups to ensure less time on the net and more time for my crafts
thanks JD for making me think this through and put it down
BUT JAISHREE, DON’T UNSUB FROM THIS LIST! you have too many good ideas.
My crochet resolutions:
– I will make at least one new, different thing every month.
– I will teach tunisian crochet to my aunt Elena.
– I will dedicate more time to crochet than surfing the net.
Those are writen with a positive mind. We’ll see next December…
Thank you for this wonderful site!