Isn’t this the cutest thing? I went browsing online for some seasonal fridgies. I have a wooden mantle calendar that has a changeable shape for each major holiday. I really enjoy having it despite the fact that it’s pretty country and my home decor (ya’ll know how, um, detailed my decor is, right?) is not. My decor style would most kindly be described as eclectic. I love the word ‘eclectic’. It covers a multitude of sins.
But, really folks, my decor – that is not the mess but the furniture upon which the mess resides – is a combination of vintage Goodwill, vintage the house I grew up in, and Asian wood, brass, and some silk from India (my husband’s homeland). You gotta look far and wide to find better silk than that woven in India.
So, I had this idea. I like to make wreaths. In keeping with my recrafting side, I purchase most of my wreaths and the stuff to decorate them with at thrift stores and garage sales. Just yank or cut off the old stuff and glue or wire on the ‘new’ stuff. So, my idea is to have a wreath for all seasons – where I can crochet some fridgies that can be changed with the holiday or season on this wreath. It’ll probably wind up on my mom’s apartment door because she has been known to steal. But, that’s okay. Where do you think I got my decor-heritage from??
So, I’m sharing my idea with you. Here are some other fridgies I thought would work well on my wreath:
Here’s one for summer – bathing suits:
A black cat for Halloween:
Or this very special ‘BOO’:
The duck and bunny could be cute for a Spring theme:
I think this is my all time favorite fridgie. I’ve given it as a gift to several different people who collect turkey items. It’s a hoot! It would also work well on a wreath – just not your traditional ‘take’ on a turkey:
So, I think you get the idea I have in mind. There are a gazillion free fridgie patterns online. Just google to find sites if you don’t already have your favorites for free online patterns. Also, this is an opportunity for one to be creative and make simple designs from your own mind to embellish your wreath. Another idea would be to create a shelf-sitter or other decorative item like a message board (white board or chalkboard) or a wreath in a shape other than a circle to embellish with your fridgies. Nothing is out of bounds here. Make whatever suits you. Try to click a picture of it and share a link to the picture. We’d all enjoy seeing each other’s creative ideas.
BTW, this could be a quick and easy Christmas gift for someone. You could stick with a single theme – like kitchen stuff, holiday items for the front door, or school related events for a kid’s room.
Looking for more Christmas themed Crochet Patterns? Check out these books
Christmas Crochet Pattern Books
And these Christmas patterns on Etsy
This is a really clever idea and has lots of possibilities. Thank you for sharing that. Do we get to see your end results?
The pin is very cute and I hope you will have some Christmas ones also 🙂