I was thinking today about things that make me smile. There are a number of things – and I’m not talking about pretty babies, cute kid jokes, or the usual warm fuzzies. Here’s what happened:
I was going through my extensive wardrobe – lots of clothes, most of which arrived in my closet via thrift stores – not because I’m poor but because I hate shopping! I was trying to organize, trading winter clothes for summer clothes. The thought of Spring and Summer alone is enough to make me smile as I detest cold weather. Spring is such an upper! Of course, in St. Louis, we seldom have Spring. Our weather shifts rather abruptly from Winter to Summer, bypassing Spring almost entirely most years.
So, in the baskets of clothes in my closet (I hate to hang things and never iron), I ran across a pink t-shirt. Just the RIGHT color of pink. It immediately brought a smile to my face. I vowed to wear this and my other pink garments as often as possible.
I began to think of a few other things that have that effect on me.
Hot air balloons
Rainbows, especially the two times when I’ve been able to see both ends of the rainbow.
Ice cream.
My dog (when she behaves) when I arrive home.
My husband of 32 years (today!) – now, that made me smile ALL DAY.
And, finally (this is not an exhaustive list as I’m a pretty happy person who smiles a lot), the very thought of a new crochet book or magazine – or even enough time to browse through the older books and mags I have on hand in my rather large stash of such things.
Crochet! What about it does not make me smile? Crochet with yarn that is JUST THE RIGHT SHADE OF PINK – now, that’s double dipping.
Two of my kids gave me crochet books for Mother’s Day this year. Big Smile! A phone call from Mr. 23-middle-child-no-longer-living-at-home also brought me a smile this year. My kids got me ‘Not Your Mama’s Crochet’ and Lily Chin’s new ‘Couture Crochet‘. WOW!
That one really brought a smile. I’ll write a review of this book soon.
The ‘Not Your Mama’s Crochet’ was a duplicate. It was one I purchased last year to replace one of the duplicates they gave me. So, they decided the books would be continually purchased on a sliding scale as they would always probably be one book behind. LOL.
Here’s what they wrote inside the book for me:
“We talked about all the books at Amazon and Borders and decided that the only books you really wanted were crochet.” Smiles and more smiles ;-))).
Rainbows make me smile too 🙂