Now, I strive to remain an openminded crocheter. I know there are many creative crocheters, people with way more talent than I have – and apparently way faster at crocheting or they have way more time to crochet than I do.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
I appreciate the time, energy, and talent it took to create the two items pictured here. I believe both creators are talented crocheters. I just wonder what they do for the remaining hours of their days? I enjoy experimenting with yarn and hook as much as the next person. I’ve created some disastrous experiments. Be thankful I have not shared pictures of those with you!
Can you estimate how much time the cowgirl filet set must have taken? Then, after it was crocheted, it had to be blocked and starched. This is a real labor of love! Imagine what masterpiece this crocheter could have created if s/he had directed the creative juices in a more useful or decorative manner. Well, I guess this could be considered decorative. It’s certainly not utilitarian!
I barely have time each day to crochet the things I really ‘need’ to work on – gifts, apparel, etc. I enjoy trying new techniques and surfing the web for inspiration. But, in this lifetime, I would never have enough time to create the items pictured above. The necklace is actually for sale at! I hope (I guess) that someone wants to wear it.
Want more filet crochet patterns? Check these out on Etsy and these Filet Crochet Patterns books
Now now! Just because you wouldn’t buy these things doesn’t mean they aren’t still fun. Certainly these are done in the spirit of irony and for that purpose, they are very effective. Surely this isn’t the first “celebration of meats” item you’ve ever seen. That etsy seller has lots and lots of sales!
IamSusie – point well taken. I tried to make it clear in my original post that I do appreciate the talent and workmanship in these pieces. Just not my piece of cake. I wish the Etsy seller well. I say – Good For Her/Him!
Thanks for sharing! jd
Something is weird with the formatting of this blog. Did you know that the categories, blogroll, and most popular sections are coming up with GIANT fonts, but your actual posting is normal. Maybe it is just in my browser, but I though I’d let you know. 😉
Yes! I can appreciate the talent that goes into making the whimsical things, and Yes! I ask my self Why! Especially why people create the likeness of food. If I can’t eat it, I don’t want it. Whoops! My all-too-practical side is showing. Thanks for some interesting, thought-provoking articles
That is truly some awesome work…but, cannot for the life of me figure out the “why” of it.
I understand the necklace, yes….it’s the holster/pistols set that gets me. Was this for a contest of some sort maybe?? A consignment piece? Oh well, it’s still nice to gaze at it…thanks for the post!