How often have you wanted to add a button to a project – but a button that would ‘disappear’ into the design rather than stand out, calling attention to itself? I love ‘statement’ buttons, but they aren’t always appropriate for a project. Buying buttons has become a major investment – and there are NEVER the right number of buttons on a card. Never! I seem to always be buying an extra card of buttons just to get the one more that I need.
No more! With this free tutorial, you can quickly work up any number of buttons using the same yarn you used in your project. These are remarkably inexpensive and easy to make. What could be better? This is just another example of the brilliant, creative minds of all the crocheters out there. Now, pull out that cardigan you’ve had hidden away until you could find just the right button for it – and make some yourself! No problem.
I haven’t made buttons in ages but this has me thinking, and who knows where that may lead!
I rem’ber these from the 50’s & 60’s crochet booklets. I had found a”gold mine” of the ivory/bone rings in a little jar at a 2nd hand shop in Grass Valley, Calif. The young Gal was asking $2.oo for the jar! Hugs!