Have you discovered you-tube? I’m not terribly techno-savvy, but I love finding online sites that help me crochet better. There are 2.740 videos listed when you type ‘crochet’ in the search box at the website www.youtube.com
Here are some of them:
if you’d like to crochet a fortune cookie:
How about learning to do tapestry bead crochet? go here:
Want to learn the basics of crochet? Here’s a good start:
Everyone has a kid who wants a hackysack. Here’s how to make one:
And, here’s some Russian eye candy….
Crochet with wire has been hot lately. This’ll get you started:
The star stitch is always one that we NEED to see to learn:
At some point, we all would benefit from seeing how a granny square is made:
And, there are sites like this one:
that include many different crochet videos.
AND – THANKS TO KEN JONES for referring me to this video – which is misnamed. It’s about crochet, despite the name:
Don’t worry if you don’t understand the language spoken in the video. The pictures are worth a thousand words!
Thanks for reminding me about the wonderful things to be found on You Tube! I had no idea it had grown so large. 🙂
Since Kim Guzman is such a tunisian crochet guru, I’ll add that there are numerous you-tube videos for tunisian also. I think they would be great for visual learners. Also, just fun to watch. I find that I pick things up so much more quickly if I can see them being made. I guess that’s what you-tube is all about.
Wow – I’m so glad I found this site (in Donna Kooler’s newsletter)! Wonderful source of information and inspiration. Thank you!!