Finding suitable crochet patterns for men is always a challenge. I’ve been surfing for some lately – and searching my stash of books and magazines. I keep remembering the words of my cyberbuddy Ken Jones when he stated that he ‘didn’t know any men who would actually wear most of the men’s crocheted garments.’ LOL. Well, then who are these things made for? I think many of the men’s crochet sweaters are garments particular women have created or adapted to fit the man (or men) in their lives. For me, that would mean making something that would flatter a short man with a barrel chest – my husband – as opposed to making something for my 6’3″ skinny son with the torso that just never seems to end. You know what I mean? My husband and I both have short arms and need items that fall into the ‘petite’ category in terms of length – but not necessarily for the width. LOL. Looking for more sweaters to crochet? Check out these sweater Crochet patterns we found on Etsy.
So, here are a few I found online that I particularly like:
here’s the link for the above site.
Lion Brand only has a couple of men’s crochet sweater patterns! Here’s the best IMO:
Much more handsome – quite manly in fact – is this freebie. I think it would look good, maybe in a different color, on a shorter man.
Here’s my favorite men’s sweater pattern. It’s not a freebie, but well worth the small cost. The use of color and the front panel on this would really flatter a shorter, smaller man.
And that, folks, is the limit of the men’s crochet pullovers I could find online. If I find some great patterns in my stash of books and magazines, I’ll let you know. Likewise, if any reader can point us to anymore men’s pullover sweater patterns online, free or not, please let us know.
Thanks to Amy in TX who reminded me of another choice from Kim Guzman. How could I have overlooked this one?? down a bit on Kim’s page to see the picture and her suggestions for making this sweater.
Nancy says
I am also looking for a crocheted men’s sweater pattern. However, my hubby prefers a button down v neck (the current sweater he favors has been handed down for 3 generations and is literally falling apart — also a knit). I can knit, but prefer crochet.
jd wolfe says
peter on CP list has published a men’s v-neck pullover sweater. i don’t have a link to it, but i bet you could find him if you’re a CP member. if not – join! it’s a great group of over 2000 crocheters around the globe.
Sariah Yatim says
If possible pls show step-by-step how to crochet difficult pattern
nanette says
Hi, I’ve been shopping for a men’s sweater to crochet. I live raglan sleeves and a v-neck pull-over. Just a plain/consistant stitch. Has anyone seen such a pattern? thanks!!
pam griffeth says
Could you please send me the pattern for the crochet striped pullover. I prefer crochet to knitting and have been trying to find a sweater my husband would wear. Thanks.
Michelle says
Hi there,
My problem is my husband is a size 54″. And so far I havent been able to find a pattern to fit him.
Inna says
this is a great find! not free, but well worth it if you are an intermediate crocheter.
Ivy says
If you follow this link, it will take you to a free site that has the fisherman sweater pattern on it. It is completely FREE
Marisa says
I would love to make the fisherman sweater for my husband for Christmas but think it will be to big for him. Has anyone made it smaller and if so please tell me how much and where to decrease. Thank you.
Cassi says
I’ve found that “The Crochet Dude” books are the best for finding something that your guy will actually use/like/wear. I’m lucky in that I have a hubby who is appreciative of the effort that goes into making something (his grandmoms quilted and sewed, his mother quitlts and basket weaves, my aunt weaves fabric, and I crochet and cross stitch), so he’s pretty easy to make something for. However……..Crochet Dude has saved my life a few times with last minute stocking stufferes for my brothers who aren’t appreciative of the effort……if they like it bonus, but don’t hold your breath! Little late for Christmas, but maybe in time for New Years?
Brenda says
what is CP
jd wolfe says
CP = CrochetPartners. You can find it at It’s a wonderful online community of crocheters around the world.
Janet Holland says
I have been looking for a pattern for a man’s christmas sweater crocheted. Would anyone have some idea where to look.
jd wolfe says
Not sure what constitutes a man’s Christmas sweater, but I like Ken Jones’ designs. You can find him at by searching for ken jones crochet. he’s the crochetdude, so you can find him that way also. is another good place to check.