The pattern itself is well-written and easy to follow, even for someone with intermediate crochet skills like myself. Brianna Iaropoli, the talented designer behind Life and Yarn, has created a design that is both modern and timeless. The moss stitch creates a beautiful texture that adds depth and interest to the blanket. Did I mention how much I love her boots?
What I like most about this kit is how quickly the blanket comes together. True to its name, I was able to complete the baby size blanket in just a weekend. It’s rare to find a project that is both satisfying to work on and yields such quick results. Weekend Blanket Kit
I literally found this pattern because I needed a blanket, in a weekend and this pattern did not disappoint.
Here are some more quick blanket patterns.
6 Afghans That Take Less Than 6 Hours To Crochet
Quick And Warm 6 hour Crochet Afghan
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